Health Tips Archives - Ghanavybes Sun, 25 Feb 2024 08:15:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 209965327 9 Home Remedies For An Ear Infection Sun, 25 Feb 2024 07:49:35 +0000 Having an earache due to an ear infection does not always mean that you need antibiotics. Instead, try these strategies at home to feel better. Ear infections are not only painful, they can also take one to two weeks to completely heal, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians. And taking a wait-and—see approach-that …

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Having an earache due to an ear infection does not always mean that you need antibiotics. Instead, try these strategies at home to feel better.

Ear infections are not only painful, they can also take one to two weeks to completely heal, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians. And taking a wait-and—see approach-that is, without antibiotics-is recommended for many children and adults suffering from ear infections. This is based on the guidelines published in the journal Otolaryngology — Head and Neck Surgery in February 2016. Natural remedies can also help.

“There is no scientific data to support home remedies [for ear infections], but they can be soothing, and there could be a placebo effect,” says otolaryngologist Matthew Bush, MD, assistant professor of otolaryngology, head and neck surgery at the University of Kentucky Health Care in Lexington.

Here are 9 home remedies and over-the-counter treatments for earache

1. Olive oil

Olive oil has antibacterial properties, although there is no solid scientific evidence to prove that drops of olive oil in your ear canal can soothe ear pain. That said, putting a few drops of warmed olive oil in the ear is safe and may be worth a try.

It is always a good idea to discuss this method with your doctor first, especially for children. Make sure that the olive oil is not hotter than your body temperature by using a thermometer. This will help you avoid burning your eardrum.

2. Naturopathic drops

Naturopathic ear drops are made from plant extracts. They can be found online and in some pharmacies. An initial study revealed that drops containing plant extracts in an olive oil base could be just as effective, or even more, than traditional over-the-counter ear drops.

An old study from 2001 found that the use of these drops can lead to an improvement in ear pain levels. That said, a 2019 study suggests that they don’t necessarily help when it comes to treating ear infections.

3. Chiropractic treatment

If you go to the chiropractor for adjustments, you may find that your appointment can soothe your earache as much as your backache.

There are not many studies on the effectiveness of this. An older study from 2011 suggests that this could help, although how it works is not understood. The effectiveness will also depend on the cause of your pain, so it’s a good idea to consult a doctor first for a diagnosis.

4. Cold or warm compresses

People often use ice packs or warm compresses, such as a heating pad or a wet washcloth, to relieve pain. The same can be done for ear pain. This method is safe for both children and adults.

Place the ice pack or hot compress on the ear and alternate between hot and cold after 10 minutes. If you prefer cold or hot, you can use a single compress.

5. Over-the-counter pain relievers

You can use over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen and acetaminophen to control the pain associated with a painful type of ear infection called acute otitis media (OMA).

They can be safely used with or without antibiotics, but be sure to follow the dosage instructions on the label. These medications can also help lower the fever.

Discuss with your doctor the appropriate dose for children. Children’s and infant versions are available for many over-the-counter pain relievers. It is dangerous for children under the age of 16 to take aspirin.

6. Sleep without putting pressure on the ear

Some sleeping positions will worsen the pain caused by ear infections, while others can help relieve it. Sleep with the affected ear raised instead of having it turned towards the pillow. This can help the ear to drain better if necessary.

You can also sleep with your head elevated by using additional pillows. It can also help the ears empty faster.

7. Garlic

Garlic has both antibiotic and analgesic properties. Soak the crushed garlic for several minutes in lukewarm olive or sesame oil. Drain the garlic and apply the oil to the ear canal.

8. Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide can be used as a natural remedy for earache, especially if the cause is a build-up of wax. To use this method of treatment, place several drops of hydrogen peroxide in the affected ear. Let it sit for several minutes before letting it drain into a sink. Rinse your ear with clean distilled water.

9. Distraction

If it is a child who is struggling with an earache, do your best to make him feel comfortable by forgetting about the pain.

You may want to:

• put on their favorite movie

• bring home a new coloring book

• have a bubble bath with lots of toys

• let them play a game on your phone or tablet

• pick up their favorite snack

• try to get them to focus on other things

If your child is of teething age, offer cooled teething toys to chew.

This method also works for adults. Treat yourself to a good book or a favorite movie to get rid of your earache.

When to use a home remedy

The best home remedy for an earache depends on the cause. If a cavity is to blame, your earache may not improve until you see a dentist. However, if it is an ear infection, using a natural remedy could make the disease bearable while your body fights the infection.

Be sure to check with your child’s pediatrician if your child has earache, especially if he/she is under 2 years old.

If your child has a high fever or if the fever lasts for more than a day, consult a doctor immediately. A high fever in children is defined as follows:

• infants less than 3 months old rectal 100.4ºF (38ºC) or greater

• children 3 months to 3 years old rectal 102ºF (38.9ºC) or greater

• children of any age oral, rectal, or forehead 104ºF (40ºC) or greater

Your doctor can tell you if you should try home remedies first or consider an antibiotic.

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13 Best Herbs For Hair Growth Tue, 20 Feb 2024 13:15:13 +0000 You’ve probably heard that various herbs can help your hair, but which herb is good for hair growth? Many ailments and symptoms, including hair loss, have long been treated with herbal remedies. In this article we will describe the most powerful herbs and ingredients for hair growth so that you can achieve your hair goals. …

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You’ve probably heard that various herbs can help your hair, but which herb is good for hair growth? Many ailments and symptoms, including hair loss, have long been treated with herbal remedies. In this article we will describe the most powerful herbs and ingredients for hair growth so that you can achieve your hair goals.

Here are the 13 best herbs for hair growth

1. Rosemary

Rosemary is one of the most powerful Ayurvedic herbs for hair growth. Studies show that its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties make it very effective in improving the condition of the scalp. Carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid act as powerful antioxidants, protecting the hair and scalp from damage caused by free radicals such as vitamin E. It also stimulates circulation when massaged, providing more nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles and roots. This increase in blood flow and the supply of nutrients promotes optimal conditions for hair regrowth and thickness. Whether used topically in the form of rosemary oil or infused as a tea from dried leaves, rosemary has stood the test of time as a natural remedy for more voluminous hair.

2. Green Tea

The catechins in green tea act as both antioxidants and anti-androgens, protecting the hair from damage and blocking DHT linked to baldness. Studies show that green tea applied topically or taken as a supplement can help minimize hair loss while prolonging the duration of the growth phase. Its astringent properties also treat oily or scaly scalps prone to inflammation and the accumulation of product inhibiting healthy hair follicles.

3. Amla

The Amla or Indian gooseberry contains vitamin C which promotes collagen and strengthens the hair from the inside. It prevents premature graying of the hair while promoting the production of melanin. The high number of antioxidants in Amla protects the hair from damage caused by free radicals. Used as a hair mask or taken as a supplement, amla stimulates the rapid growth and addition of hair follicles. It also conditions each strand, making the hair visibly soft, lush and radiant.

4. Ashwagandha

Adaptogenic ashwagandha neutralizes the levels of stress hormones that disrupt the hair growth cycle. By lowering cortisol, it reduces the excretion phases allowing new healthy growth. Ashwagandha blocks the formation of DHT and its testosterone-lowering effects favor the retention of hair density. In addition, it provides antioxidants that protect the keratin of the hair against breakage. As a herbal supplement or topical hair treatment, ashwagandha restores softness to the hair in a natural way.

5. Curry Leaves

Less known but quite effective, curry leaves protect the activity of DHT on the follicles by helping to maintain a full head of hair at maturity. Rich in beta-carotene, proteins and antioxidants, curry leaves nourish each strand and protect its pigment from sun damage that could lead to accelerated baldness. The use of an oil or a hair paste infused with curry leaves facilitates the circulation of the scalp, promoting the longevity of the natural hair growth cycle for a fuller head of hair over time.

6. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel and juice moisturize thirsty scalps prone to excessive excretion and improve cell renewal. It promotes a scalp free of dandruff and irritation to allow optimized growth of strong and long-lasting hair. Aloe vera contains more than 75 potentially beneficial compounds such as magnesium, zinc, B vitamins and salicylic acid that purify and revitalize the follicles drained of their natural moisture. A gentle massage with raw aloe vera helps the hair to obtain a vibrant volume and optimal growth.

7. Onion Juice

Onion juice accelerates the blood supply to the roots of the scalp by stimulating the follicles. It dissolves accumulated toxins inhibiting the health of the follicles and provides sulfur-containing amino acids that build hair collagen. Onion juice controls excess oil and flaking for a happy scalp environment conducive to growth. Massaging a few drops of concentrated onion juice into the scalp, followed by a revitalizing rinse, improves the natural texture and density of the hair over time while preventing unnecessary loss.

8. Garlic

The high content of selenium, vitamins B6 and C in garlic detoxifies and nourishes the hair roots for new growth. It is allicin that inhibits DHT, it is proven that it slows down hair growth, which leads to more voluminous hair without fragility. The antibacterial and antifungal properties of garlic soothe itchy scaly scalp. Mixing a clove of crushed raw garlic in coconut oil makes an effective hot scalp massage oil that rejuvenates the follicles for abundant growth when used regularly until the hairline fills completely.

9. Ginger

In traditional Ayurveda, ginger is revered for its nourishing benefits for the hair. It protects against radical damage to the protective marrow and the hair cuticle. Ginger also blocks excess androgens at receptor sites, protecting the hair follicles from premature baldness. Combined with the essential oils of peppermint and rosemary, ginger stimulates circulation to the scalp, creating an ideal environment for the growth and retention of full and lush hair when mature.

10. Lavender

Lavender oil reduces scalp irritation and DHT levels while encouraging the anagen growth phase of the hair cycle. Its skin-soothing linalyl acetate promotes a healthy hair cycle for thicker hair over time when used as a serum for scalp massage. Research shows that lavender oil also prevents premature excretion and stimulates new growth thanks to its ability to strengthen hair follicles and roots from the inside.

11. Thyme

Thyme promotes a balanced and toxin-free scalp environment necessary for optimal nutrition and growth of the hair roots. Rich in hair-thickening iron and antimicrobial thymol, it awakens the follicles in a phase of active growth, accelerating the hair cycle for longer and healthier strands over time.

12. Stinging Nettle

The pungent nettle effectively reduces hair loss and dandruff through to its anti-inflammatory compounds that balance the pH of the scalp. Its nutritional content in vitamins A, C and K strengthens hair growth. The use of nettle as a revitalizing hair mask offers fuller and stronger strands and reduces the risk of premature graying.

13. Horsetail

The silica-dense horsetail stimulates the production of scalp collagen for hair less prone to breakage and protects the pigment melanocytes of the hair follicles against premature graying caused by external damage or internal imbalances of the scalp. It strengthens the strands, prevents split ends and nourishes healthy follicles in the long term for lasting hair density as an effective Ayurvedic herb.

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7 Health Benefits Of Papaya Mon, 19 Feb 2024 20:33:26 +0000 Papayas are tropical fruits rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. Certain compounds in papayas may have anti-cancer properties and improve heart health, among other health benefits. Papaya is an incredibly healthy tropical fruit. It is full of antioxidants that can reduce inflammation, fight diseases and help you keep a youthful appearance. Here are 8 health …

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Papayas are tropical fruits rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. Certain compounds in papayas may have anti-cancer properties and improve heart health, among other health benefits.

Papaya is an incredibly healthy tropical fruit.

It is full of antioxidants that can reduce inflammation, fight diseases and help you keep a youthful appearance.

Here are 8 health benefits of papaya

1. Delicious and Loaded With Nutrients

Papaya is the fruit of the Carica papaya.

It is native to Central America and southern Mexico, but is now cultivated in many other regions of the world.

Papaya contains an enzyme called papain, which can break down the hard protein chains found in muscle meat. For this reason, people have been using papaya to tenderize meat for thousands of years.

If the papaya is ripe, it can be eaten raw. However, unripe papaya should always be cooked before eating, especially during pregnancy, as the unripe fruit is rich in latex, which can stimulate contractions.

Papayas have a pear-like shape and can be up to 20 inches (51 cm) long. The skin is green when unripe and orange when ripe, while the flesh is yellow, orange or red.

The fruit also contains many black seeds, edible but bitter.

A small papaya (152 grams) contains (2):

Calories: 59

Carbohydrates: 15 grams

Fiber: 3 grams

Protein: 1 gram

Vitamin C: 157% of the RDI

Vitamin A: 33% of the RDI

Folate (vitamin B9): 14% of the RDI

Potassium: 11% of the RDI

• Trace amounts of calcium, magnesium and vitamins B1, B3, B5, E and K.

Papayas also contain healthy antioxidants called carotenoids, in particular a type called lycopene.

In addition, your body absorbs these beneficial antioxidants from papayas better than from other fruits and vegetables.

2. Delicious and Versatile

Papaya has a unique taste that many people like. However, maturity is the key.

An unripe or overripe papaya can taste very different from a perfectly ripe papaya.

When optimally ripe, the papaya should be yellow to orange-red in color, although a few green spots are suitable. Like an avocado, its skin must yield to a slight pressure.

Its flavor is better when it is cold, so it is a good idea to keep it in the refrigerator as much as possible.

After washing it well, you can cut it in half lengthwise, remove the seeds and eat it with the peel with a spoon, like cantaloupe or melon.

As it is incredibly versatile, it can also be combined with other foods that complement its flavor.

Here are some easy recipe ideas using a small papaya:

•Breakfast: Cut it in half and fill
each half with Greek yogurt, then top with a few blueberries and chopped nuts.

• Appetizer: Cut it into strips and
wrap a slice of ham or prosciutto around each strip.

• Salsa: Chop papaya, tomatoes,
onions and cilantro, then add lime juice and mix well.

• Smoothie: Combine the diced fruit
with coconut milk and ice in a blender, then blend until smooth.

• Salad: Chop papaya and avocado
into cubes, add diced cooked chicken and dress with olive oil and vinegar.

• Dessert: Combine the chopped
fruit with 2 tablespoons (28 grams) of chia seeds, 1 cup (240 ml) of almond milk and
1/4 teaspoon of vanilla. Mix well and refrigerate before eating.

3. Has Anti-cancer Properties

Research suggests that the lycopene contained in papaya can reduce the risk of cancer. It can also be beneficial for people who are being treated for cancer. Papaya can work by reducing free radicals that contribute to cancer.

In addition, papaya can have unique effects not shared by other fruits.

Among 14 fruits and vegetables with known antioxidant properties, only papaya has demonstrated anticancer activity in breast cancer cells.

In a small study in elderly people suffering from inflammation and precancerous disorders of the stomach, a fermented papaya preparation reduced oxidative damage.

However, further research is needed before recommendations can be made.

4. Protects Against Skin Damage

In addition to keeping your body healthy, papaya can also help your skin look more toned and younger.

It is believed that excessive free radical activity is responsible for much of the wrinkles, sagging and other skin damage that occur with age.

The vitamin C and lycopene contained in papaya protect your skin and can help reduce these signs of aging.

In one study, supplementation with lycopene for 10 to 12 weeks decreased skin redness after sun exposure, which is a sign of skin damage.

In another, elderly women who consumed a mixture of lycopene, vitamin C and other antioxidants for 14 weeks showed a visible and measurable reduction in the depth of facial wrinkles.

5. May Improve Heart Health

Adding more papaya to your diet can improve your heart health.

Studies show that fruits rich in lycopene and vitamin C can help prevent heart disease.

The antioxidants contained in papaya can protect your heart and enhance the protective effects of ”good” HDL cholesterol.

In one study, people who took a fermented papaya supplement for 14 weeks had less inflammation and a better “bad” LDL/“good” HDL ratio than people who received a placebo.

An improved ratio is linked to a reduced risk of heart disease.

6. May Fight Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is the cause of many diseases, and unhealthy foods and lifestyle choices can lead to the inflammatory process.

Studies show that antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables such as papaya help reduce inflammatory markers.

For example, one study noted that men who increased their intake of carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables showed a significant decrease in CRP, a particular inflammatory marker.

7. May Improve Digestion

The papain enzyme in papaya can make proteins easier to digest.

The inhabitants of the tropics consider papaya a remedy for constipation and other symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

In one study, people who took a papaya-based formula for 40 days showed a significant improvement in constipation and bloating.

Seeds, leaves and roots have also been shown to treat ulcers in animals and humans.


Papaya is rich in valuable nutrients and tastes delicious.

Its powerful antioxidants such as lycopene can reduce your risk of contracting many diseases, especially those that tend to come with age, such as heart disease and cancer.

It can also defend itself against the visible signs of aging, helping your skin to remain smooth and young.

Try adding this healthy and delicious fruit to your diet today.

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Top 10 Worst Foods For Diabetes Patients Sun, 11 Feb 2024 18:36:03 +0000 Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases in which there are high levels of sugar in the blood over a prolonged period of time. The most important factor that affects both type 1 and type 2 diabetes is diet, and a well-planned diet can work effectively to keep blood sugar levels at healthy levels. Here …

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Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases in which there are high levels of sugar in the blood over a prolonged period of time. The most important factor that affects both type 1 and type 2 diabetes is diet, and a well-planned diet can work effectively to keep blood sugar levels at healthy levels. Here in this article we have listed the 10 worst foods that all diabetics should avoid.

1. Fruit Juices

People with diabetes should moderate their consumption of fruit juices, as larger glasses of juice can significantly increase blood sugar levels. Regular consumption of fruit juices has been associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Compared to whole fruits and vegetables, the juice does not offer much fiber and is loaded with fruit sugar which causes a sharp increase in blood sugar. Apples, oranges and pears all contain soluble fiber, but not when pressed.

2. Palm Oil

Palm oil contains a large amount of saturated fats that increase blood cholesterol levels. High cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease. People with diabetes are at high risk for heart disease and limiting your intake of saturated fats can help you reduce your risk of heart attack or stroke. The palm oil drink contained a similar amount of saturated fat as two bacon cheeseburgers and a large portion of French fries or two salami pizzas.

3. Coffee Drinks

Coffee contains caffeine which has been shown in the short term to increase glucose and insulin levels. For this reason, people with diabetes should be careful when consuming coffee. Experts say sipping two to three cups a day is probably fine, but if you’re struggling to control your blood sugar, it may be worth cutting out coffee to see if it makes a difference.

4. Cakes And Pastries

Cakes and pastries are not good for diabetics because they are loaded with sugar, sodium, junky white flour and preservatives. Their dangerous combination of sugar and refined flour increases blood sugar and promotes inflammation that interferes with the ability of insulins to function properly.

5. Raisins

Raisins contain a concentrated level of sugars that will be quickly absorbed by the body and will lead to a sudden spike in blood sugar levels that is extremely harmful for people with diabetes. Therefore, it is better to limit your consumption of raisins and stick to whole fruits that are not only rich in fiber, but also in vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for health.

6. Soft Drinks And Energy Drinks

Soft drinks and energy drinks are the worst type of drink for diabetics, they are loaded with calories that lead to weight gain and overweight people are at a higher risk of developing diabetes compared to those with a healthy weight. Eliminating soda and other energy drinks is one of the most powerful ways to control blood sugar, lose weight and improve your health.

7. White Rice

White rice can affect your blood sugar levels. According to a new study published by Harvard researchers, those who ate the largest amounts of white rice had a 27% higher risk of diabetes than those who ate the least. White rice also lacks nutrients such as fiber and magnesium. People who consume a lot of white rice lack these beneficial nutrients.

8. French Fries

French fries are starchy vegetables that have the worst impact on your blood sugar. These fries soak up a lot of oil and lead to excessive weight gain. A small 85-gram serving of fast food fries contains 33 grams of carbohydrates, including 3 grams of fiber. They are the worst form of potatoes and have a 21% increased risk of developing diabetes compared to a 14% increased risk for other forms of potatoes. If you really like French fries, cook them yourself at home, without oil.

9. White Bread

White bread is made with white flour that contains refined starch which is one of the most dangerous foods for diabetics. These refined carbohydrates have a high glycemic index that causes a rapid increase in blood sugar levels, which is extremely harmful for diabetic patients. If you like to eat bread, you can eat whole grain bread which is a much better option than white bread because its high fiber levels allow blood sugar to rise more slowly.

10. Potatoes

Potatoes are not a good food choice for diabetics due to a relatively low nutrient density and high levels of quickly absorbed carbohydrates. It has a high glycemic index value, which means that the carbohydrates contained in them are quickly converted into glucose when digested and can lead to an increase in blood sugar and insulin levels. It is also associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. A 2005 study published in the Journal of the American Diabetic Association examined the effect of the cooking method on the glycemic index of potatoes. The researchers found that mashed and boiled potatoes had the highest GI values around 85 to 90. Baked, roasted or microwaved potatoes had moderate GI values of about 70 to 80, while boiled red potatoes, refrigerated overnight and eaten cold the next day gave a GI value of only 56. So, if you want to eat potatoes, you can opt for red potatoes because they contain a low glycemic index value.

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Top 10 Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy Sun, 11 Feb 2024 18:08:46 +0000 Perfect nutrition during the nine month period of pregnancy is extremely important for the healthy growth of the baby. Often, due to lack of knowledge or ignorance, we give pregnant women foods that act like a slow poison and become the cause of miscarriages. So, to avoid such situations, it is very important to equip …

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Perfect nutrition during the nine month period of pregnancy is extremely important for the healthy growth of the baby. Often, due to lack of knowledge or ignorance, we give pregnant women foods that act like a slow poison and become the cause of miscarriages. So, to avoid such situations, it is very important to equip yourself with information about pregnancy diet.

Sometimes certain foods are good for you, but eating too much of them can be harmful to your baby. Therefore, eating balanced meals is very important for all pregnant women. There are a variety of nutritious food choices available in the market, but there are few foods that are not completely safe for baby’s development.

Here in this article, you will find the list of top ten foods that every pregnant woman should avoid during pregnancy.

1. Caffeine

Pregnant women are generally advised to limit their caffeine intake to less than 200 mg per day. High caffeine intake during pregnancy can limit fetal growth and lead to low birth weight. Some research shows that high amounts of caffeine are associated with miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight, and withdrawal symptoms in infants. The safest thing is to abstain from consuming caffeine.

2. Sugar-Rich Foods

Food cravings during pregnancy are very common. However, cravings for sweet foods must be carefully managed for the health of both mother and baby. Consuming too much sugar during pregnancy is bad for your health. Therefore, pregnant women should decrease their sugar intake especially for nine months.

3. Alcohol

Pregnant women are advised to completely avoid drinking alcohol as it increases the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth. Even a small amount can negatively impact your baby’s brain development. No amount of alcohol is known to be safe during pregnancy and therefore alcohol should be completely avoided during pregnancy.

4. Unpasteurized Dairy Products

Unpasteurized milk or milk products have a significantly higher risk of being contaminated with a bacteria called Listeria, which can lead to the disease Listeriosis. Listeriosis is a dangerous infection that can lead to miscarriage, serious illness, and even stillbirth. Therefore, pregnant women are advised to consume only pasteurized milk, cheese and fruit juices.

5. Raw Or Undercooked Eggs

Raw or undercooked eggs are not safe for pregnant women as they pose a huge risk of salmonella poisoning. If you eat an egg containing salmonella, you may experience abdominal cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, chills, fever, and headache within 6 to 72 hours of eating it. Although an unborn baby cannot be poisoned by salmonella, several side effects can impact the health and labor of the baby. Therefore, pregnant women should always cook eggs thoroughly or use pasteurized eggs.

6. High-Mercury Fish

Pregnant women should not eat fish with high mercury content such as shark, swordfish, king mackerel and diamondback. Eating fish with high levels of mercury during pregnancy can harm the developing brain and nervous system of the baby. However, some types of fish with low levels of mercury are safe to eat for pregnant women. Be sure to choose a variety of low-mercury fish like salmon, tilapia, shrimp, tuna, cod, and catfish. These fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamins and minerals like iron. These nutrients are essential for pregnant women.

7. Raw Sprouts

Raw sprouts like clover, radish, and beans can lead to salmonella, a disease caused by bacteria residing on the sprouts. The disease comes from contaminated seeds when eaten. Seeds are stored in dry conditions where bacteria remain dormant, but once they germinate in a warm environment, bacteria growth is activated. E-coli and Salmonella bacteria cause diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramps, fever and other serious illnesses in pregnant women. When these bacteria are passed from the pregnant woman to the fetus after birth, the baby can develop diarrhea, fever, and meningitis. It is best to eat cooked cabbage during pregnancy.

8. Canned Foods

Canned foods are not completely safe for pregnant women and most cans often contain bisphenol A (BPA) which leaches into food and drink, causing an 80% increase in the risk of miscarriage. Therefore, it is better to eat fresh fruits and vegetables which generally contain more nutrients than canned fruits.

9. Undercooked, Raw And Processed Meat

Eating undercooked or raw meat increases the risk of infection by several bacteria or parasites such as Toxoplasma, E-coli, Listeria and Salmonella. Pregnant women should not consume processed meat products unless they have been reheated until hot. They should ensure that all meat is cooked through and consider getting a meat thermometer to ensure meat is cooked evenly. Indeed, the risk of food poisoning is higher in pregnant women.

10. Unwashed Fruits And Vegetables

Unwashed fruits and vegetables are contaminated with pesticides and many harmful bacteria that can be found on the skin or outer rind. Babies are more sensitive to pesticides than moms or any adult, especially at critical times in their development. Fruits and vegetables are good for you and baby, but buy them carefully and rinse them well. All unwashed fruits and vegetables, especially lettuce and cabbage, should be avoided.

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